Why a Quiet Time?
Why a Quiet Time?

Why a Quiet Time?

God loves us and invites us into a relationship with himself.  But this relationship is not built on sentimentalism or doting fondness.  We experience intimacy with God when we exchange our life for the life of his Son Jesus.

Paul described this exchanged life when he said he had been “crucified with Christ” (Galatians 2:20) and when he announced “Christ in you is the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).  It is when we surrender all that we are and hope to be for who Jesus is and forever will be that we enjoy fellowship with God and fulfillment in this life.

So the motivation for spiritual disciplines is rooted in our basic desire to give up our lives for his.  We understand that pursuing our own interests will fall short of God’s best.  So we choose daily to pursue Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to refine us.

Sometimes we assume that because we want to follow Jesus, the passionate pursuit of him will be natural, or even easy.  That is simply not the case.  Spiritual disciplines require discipline…the daily decision to choose the best over the good.

For me, it means I rise earlier than I would otherwise.  It means I choose to listen to God’s voice before I listen for the voice of others.  It means I do what I do not prefer in order to become more of what Jesus wants me to become.  It means that I choose his life over mine in the ordinary and obscure practices of my life.

Some people call this religion.  But religion is intensity without intimacy.  On the other hand, authentic devotion is always fueled by a passionate pursuit of the One who is worth our lives.  And out of this intimate fellowship flows the energy and insight necessary for Christ-honoring service to others.  Before we ever win with others in public, we walk with God in private.

So find a quiet place every day.  Read the Bible.  Memorize it. Talk to God. Miss meals to seek him with intensity. And surrender your best for his.

I would love to know how God uses your daily disciplines to strengthen your fellowship with Jesus.  Click the “Comment” button below to join the conversation.


  1. Chris

    Daryl, your comments on quiet time are thought provoking and inspire me. Over the past several months, I’ve been waking up earlier each morning to pray, fellowship with The Lord and read my bible. It’s not always easy but I’m determined to wake up and make time for The Lord and study his word. You inspire me to continue this with more determination and discipline.

    Your thoughts on discipline and religion vs authentic devotion are excellent.

    Chris Bishop

  2. Angela Cave

    This is so true.  I grew up thinking that if God had something to say to me than He would say it… Always looking for that big WOW moment, never having it so thinking He was aloof.  It was not until I started really reading His word and praying for Him to speak to me did I realize that He wants us to seek Him.  That he desires a relationship with us.  That is so amazing to me.  This inspires me to be more diligent and to not let the worries and tasks of the world get me too busy to truly seek Him….

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