Timing is not about the random tick-tock of a clock.  And timing isn’t just about the rotation of the planets around the sun.  Sometimes God calls us to wait.  And other times He calls us to immediate action.  But whatever the season, God’s timing is about how He orders our lives to accomplish His plans.

No Average Joe Series

In Genesis 41, we read about Pharaoh’s two dreams that none of his magicians could interpret.  At that moment in time (the text says, “then”) the cupbearer mentioned a “Hebrew youth, a servant of the captain” who interpreted his and the baker’s dream two years earlier.

Finally!  The cupbearer remembered Joseph. That’s great, but what took so long?

If you feel like you’re in a holding pattern, these truths just may encourage you:

While we wait, God works.

Joseph was forgotten and remained in prison for “two full years” after his experience with the cupbearer and the baker.  He may have felt he was wasting his life.  He may have felt the world was passing him by.  He may have thought he was missing out.

But while he waited, God was preparing to rescue a nation from disaster.  While he waited, God was working in the heart of an imperial leader.  While he waited, God was turning Joseph-the-slave into Joseph-the-rescuer.

We should never mistake the silence of heaven for the sloth of God.  Even when there is no evidence of His activity God is fully engaged to accomplish His purposes.

The right timing turns good ideas into remarkable realities.

Joseph asked the cupbearer for a simple favor: “Only keep me in mind when it goes well with you, and please do me a kindness by mentioning me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house”—Genesis 40:14.  That was a good idea, but good ideas alone fall short of the goal.

The cupbearer didn’t remember Joseph and Pharaoh didn’t receive Joseph until there was a major need in his life.

Ideas can be right, good, and even God honoring. But God’s timing transforms good ideas into remarkable realities.  God not only rescued Joseph (that was a good idea), but He rescued Joseph so Joseph could rescue Egypt so in turn Egypt could rescue Israel so that Israel could produce a Savior to rescue us all.

Now that’s a remarkable reality that was worth the wait!

Everything matters.

As the cupbearer described Joseph to Pharaoh, he recalled Joseph’s service and he remembered Joseph’s successful interpretations.  Serving a jail mate was no celebrated responsibility; yet Joseph did it well…so well, the cupbearer remembered him after two long years.

What we do while we wait matters.  How we serve others (whoever they are) matters.  Joseph’s successful service grew from his relationship with God.  And our success, even in obscurity, is the fruit of our relationship with God.

Jesus said it like this, “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much…”—Luke 16:10.  Everything counts.

How has God used your wait to do a greater work in your life?  Click the “Comment” button below to share your thoughts.