What We Do

Crosstied Solutions exists to help churches and organizations get healthier by equipping leaders to move beyond simply coordinating a myriad of activities to creating meaningful and missional collaborative solutions.

Imagine an orchestra conductor who leads dozens of musicians to play off the same sheet of music. That’s coordination. Then imagine singer-songwriters with their guitars and pencils in a room all day writing the music together. That’s meaningful collaboration.

Whether your church or organization needs a tune-up, you’re in transition, or you need triage, I’d be honored to encourage and equip you and your team to begin “writing the music together.”

We know it works because that’s how Jesus led. He multiplied disciples by sharing ministry. When leaders empower others, team members serve from a place of health, and the actual results exceed expectations.

Leaders need more than encouragement. You need help in making transformational shifts in how you equip and empower the people God has given to you.

That’s what we do. I’d be honored to serve you.