Tom Bodett once said, “In school you’re taught a lesson and then given a test.  In life you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson” (Johnny Hunt, Building Your Leadership Resume, 177).

Solomon wrote of wisdom, “To you, O men, I call, and my voice is to the sons of men.  O naïve ones, discern prudence; and, O fools, discern wisdom”—Proverbs 8: 4-5.

Jesus said, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves”—Matthew 10: 16.

God wants to move us from simplicity to wisdom.  And as our walk with Jesus intersects life events, God wants to move us from simplicity and toward greater wisdom.  Here are a few lessons God is still teaching me.  Perhaps they will encourage you on your leadership journey:

Lesson #1—The enemy does not play fair but he does play for keeps.

Lesson #2—People will judge your motives.  Expect to be misunderstood.

Lesson #3—People will tend to believe the last thing they heard.

Lesson #4—Facts are important, but people don’t always care about the facts.

Lesson #5—Decisions are easier to make than they are to live with.

Lesson #6—That which is your life is someone else’s hobby.

Lesson #7—The enemy is relentless…like the tide, he just keeps coming.

Lesson #8—Everyone would like a mulligan, but God gives grace.  So learn from your mistakes and move on.

Lesson #9—Whatever you say will be repeated…sooner or later.

Lesson #10—Your best efforts will always get mixed reviews.

Lesson #11—Difficulty reveals character, so face your sins quickly and make necessary changes on first sight.

Lesson #12—Every circumstance is an opportunity.  Make the most of it.

Lesson #13—Just because you didn’t ask for it, doesn’t mean you’re not going to get it.

Lesson #14—Little decisions make a big difference.

Lesson #15—Relationships are fragile…trust leaks quickly.

Lesson #16—People are fickle, so believe in people, but trust in God.

Lesson #17—The kitchen is too hot for most people.

Lesson #18—It’s okay that things change, and it’s wonderful that God never does.

Lesson #19—Timing is key…strike while the iron is hot, but make sure it’s hot before you strike.

Lesson #20—Jesus is closer than you think…lean hard into Him.

But there’s more:

Lesson #21—You choose your decisions, but you can never manage the consequences of those decisions.  So decide wisely.

Lesson #22—The mission is bigger than you…if it’s not, your mission is too small.

Lesson #23—The greater your responsibilities, the fewer choices you have.

Lesson #24—The deeper your relationship with another person grows, the more grace is required for both of you.

Lesson #25—People don’t always remember the things you want them to remember.

Lesson #26—God gives victories even in the most difficult circumstances.  Learn to celebrate the victories.

Lesson #27—Don’t let anything steal your joy.

Lesson #28—The next days are the best days because Jesus is Lord.

Very simply, God wants to move us from naïveté to wisdom, and He uses whatever means necessary to train our hearts and to reposition our lives for His purposes.  Thankfully, He is committed to finish what He starts in us.

Please add to the list.  What major leadership lesson has God revealed to you in the last 3 months?