Jesus left the earth 2000 years ago, but the movement He began back then shows us what it means to make faithful multiplying follower of Jesus Christ.

Here are five simple priorities Jesus used to produce radical followers who changed the world:

Macro-to-Micro Mentality

Jesus served the crowds, but He invested in the few.  He loved the multitudes, but He intentionally trained only 12.  Among the 12 were 3 that got extra attention, and became major influencers in all of Christendom.  If you want to make a big impact, serve many, but invest in only a few.

Multimedia Methodology

Jesus used all kinds of teaching methods.  Sometimes it was parables, sometimes it was Q & A.  At other times he healed or feed.  And then there were times He just sat down and got directly to the point.  Don’t be afraid to use a variety of approaches to train others.  And be very careful of assuming others have to do it your way.


Jesus wanted to take people with Him.  He showed His disciples what to do and how to do it.  Then they did ministry together.  And then He sent them out on their own.  Multiplying like Jesus is always up-close, life on life, and often quite complicated.


Jesus demonstrated loving compassion for needy people.  He never insulated Himself from the down-and-outs.  He never lost touch with the commoner.  He was always connected with the disconnected and was a champion for the discouraged and defeated.  That clearly bled over in the ministry of the early church as they cared for one another, served widows, and defended orphans.


Jesus responded to the needs of others, but was never distracted from His Father’s mission.  Despite the opportunity to be exalted among the people, He stayed on mission.  Despite the pain of the Cross, Jesus stayed on mission.  He never allowed accolades or agony to detour Him, and that same Spirit-filled tenacity gave His first followers boldness and courage in the face of opposition.

How have you found these priorities helpful in your own leadership?  Comment below.