Rebounding is a fundamental skill every great basketball player must master.  But this critical skill is based on one simple reality we all know as the miss.  We all have bad days.  We all make mistakes.  Recently I missed…it wasn’t a tragic miss, but it was very frustrating to me and to others.  So I determined to rebound.  Here’s how:

  • Recognize the miss. It may be tempting to avoid reality or to minimize the problem.  Develop the ability to recognize the misses.  If you don’t, you lose possession and maybe the game.
  • Rule your spirit.  You will get frustrated, but anger left unchecked can lead to other bad decisions.  Unless you rule your spirit, you have no ability to get the next shot off with good success.
  • Own the missed shot.  Take responsibility without blaming others.  There may be responsibility to share, but if you are a leader, you missed.  Just own it.
  • Move quickly.  I don’t mean react without discretion, but rebounding requires action.  So determine the cause of the miss as quickly as possible.  Was it a fluke?  Is a reoccurring problem?  What processes need to be evaluated and improved?  What people need to be better trained, resourced, or even reassigned?  Don’t allow the miss to go unchecked.
  • Fix the problem.  It’s one thing to know there is a problem and to know what the problem is.  It’s quite something else to do what it takes to fix it.  Rebounding requires good solutions created in cooperation with others.  Sustainable progress builds confidence in the team and better understanding of how to win.
  • Allow others to shoot the ball.  Sometimes missing a shot creates an unhealthy determination.  In basketball, we call it “hogging the ball.”  If you are to be successful, you must play with the team.  And rebounding means others will help you see the problem, find solutions, and then fix it.
  • Learn to cheer louder.  Rebounding is huge.  It can create new momentum and build confidence even after a bad shot.  So encourage others.  Be upbeat.  One missed shot doesn’t mean defeat.  It’s a long game, and there is a great future ahead.

The more shots you take, the more misses you will have.  Everyone misses, but the best learn how to rebound well.  So stay in the game.  Keep shooting.  Lean on your team.  And get the rebound.