Some people want popularity.  Some pursue prestige.  Others hunger for power.  But the greatest privilege of leadership is influence.  Not just the influence that changes opinions or wins favor, but the kind that changes lives forever.

No Average Joe Series

Joseph was favored by his father, stripped and sold by his brothers, bought by slave traders, resold to Potipher, falsely accused and imprisoned, and then all but forgotten.  Then after 13 years, he had a new robe on his back and a ring on his finger.  Pharaoh elevated him to second in command in Egypt.

Now Joseph had it all…power, wealth, pleasures, and prestige.  But as we read Genesis 41 we see Joseph is not the main character in this victory scene.  His new and long-awaited prominence was not for himself, but for the One who promoted him.

Then Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is a divine spirit?” So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has informed you of all this, there is no one so discerning and wise as you are.”  Then Pharaoh named Joseph Zaphenath-paneah…–Genesis 41:38-39, 45.

We all want our influence to count.  Hear are four characteristic of divine influence we see in Joseph’s promotion:

Divine Influence Stands Alone.

Pharaoh looked around.  He had the world at his fingertips, but found no one empowered with God’s Spirit like Joseph.  When you and I walk with God, we gain the trust of others.

Divine Influence Exercises Wisdom.

Influence is not about panache or personality. It’s not about charm or charisma.  It’s not about being among the social elite.  Influence that changes lives is loosed in a life of a wise man or woman of God.  So if we want to be used to change the world, we will seek wisdom above all else.

Divine Influence Serves Others

No matter where Joseph was, he was always serving.  Pharaoh immediately put Joseph over his house, and gave him a huge task to accomplish.  Joseph was given many nice things, but ultimately his influence was measured by how he served Egypt.  Not only does influence never outgrow serving others, but influence only grows through faithful and effective service.

Divine Influence Demonstrates the Gospel.

Egypt was a pagan nation, and now the nation’s rescuer was a man who feared God.  Joseph’s life was a picture of God’s love and provision for those who were far away from Him.  God has one purpose in giving us influence in the lives of other people, and that purpose is to demonstrate the Gospel in living color.

Joseph’s influence was so divine that Pharaoh changed Joseph’s name to “God speaks.” Some may even translate it “God is alive.”  Pharaoh, the king of the world’s superpower, acknowledged the God of Abraham because of the influence of one man!  That kind of influence is divine, and divine influence changes lives and brings hope to the nations.

What other evidence do you see of Joseph’s divine influence?  Comment below.