Sexual temptation is very popular and enjoys an amazing success rate.  Its power is found in how close it is to being good.  Sexual temptation appeals to our natural desire for intimacy and then distorts it just enough to destroy us.

No Average Joe Series

In Genesis 39 we meet the woman married to Joseph’s master Potipher.  Unfortunately, she doesn’t make a very good first impression.  Her multiple advances toward Joseph show us she was not the kind of girl we hope our son’s will bring home.

Although she was persistent, Joseph stayed pure.  Here are three lessons from Joseph that can help us beat temptation too:

Be aware of your environment.

Potipher was a powerful man who left his household under the charge of Joseph.  As a man of influence, he was also a busy man that concerned himself with nothing around the house…including his wife.

And then there was Joseph.  He was 300 miles from anyone who knew him.  The people who were supposed to love him most had rejected him and now he was alone and probably lonely.

An available woman and a lonely man is a recipe for disaster.  Joseph knew that and stayed alert to the danger.

Communicate clear loyalties.

When Joseph refused Potipher’s wife, he left no room for misunderstanding.  Not only did he reject her, but  he declared loyalty to Potipher, to his work, and to the God of Israel.

Clearly, Joseph had decided before he had to decide.  So when he was propositioned, he never stuttered.  Flirting with danger was never a consideration.  We don’t even know her name.  His loyalties were clear.

These clear commitments keep us away from the edge and keep others away from us.

Stay persistent.

Potipher’s wife propositioned Joseph everyday.  Then finally, she got him alone and made her move.

We learn that dogmatic persistence is daily.  Just because we said “no” yesterday does not guarantee we will say “no” tomorrow.  There’s never a time temptation is conquered.

Joseph refused to allow the rejection of his brothers or the demands from his boss’ wife to justify personal compromise.  He must have known his decision could cost him his job and perhaps his life.

And that’s exactly what happened.  Joseph’s integrity sent him from the penthouse to the jailhouse.  Persistence pays, but before that, it often demands a high price.

Beating temptation is not a pipedream.  While everyone gets tempted, defeat is not inevitable.   Being aware, loyal, and persistent sets us up for real victory.  How do I know that?

Fast forward to the New Testament, and read Paul, “…God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it”—1 Corinthians 10:13.  There’s always a way out.  Victory is possible!

Now it’s your turn.  Click the comment button below and write a few wise boundaries between men and women that communicate clear loyalties to our spouse and others.