According to Thom Rainer, only one-fourth of the Millennial generation are married. Many will stay single. So whether you’re young or old, single or married, here a few important truths to remember about living single.

Living single is a good gift from God.

In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul said it is “good for a man not to touch a woman”—verse 1. It is excellent, honorable, beautiful.

Paul was writing to the Corinthian church that would soon face persecution. The call of God would require great sacrifice. Marriage makes that more complicated and costly. Singleness is not a curse. Singleness can be a very good thing.

Living single is an assignment for a season.

In verse 17, Paul used the word “assignment.” It means to deal or to separate into parts. God has given particular assignments to each of us. And all of us are single for at least a season.  Paul described this assignment as a calling.

He was not an “anti-marriage” guy. But he was an “anti-marriage-is-necessary-for-me-to-have-a-life” guy. It’s one thing to desire marriage. It’s quite something else to live with a restless discontentment and to squander time God has assigned to you.

Living single is an opportunity for service.

As we read 1 Corinthians 7:32-35, Paul encouraged his readers to be “free from concern.”

Marriage is complicated. You’ll have a house, a yard, and life insurance. In marriage, nothing is simple. Your time and priorities are divided. Singleness is an opportunity for undistracted devotion to the Lord.

Living single is more than a season for some.

Paul thought it would be good if his readers would be like him…single…fully devoted to the Lord’s work. And he called it a gift. Some people will be single for the rest of their life. You may be young, middle-aged, or something else. You may be a widow or widower. You may be divorced.

But whatever stage of life you are in, you may soon discover that God has given you the gift of singleness in order to fulfill His purpose that would be impossible any other way.

If that’s you celibate…I mean celebrate! If you’re not so sure, then stay tuned for future posts. You can also watch my recent message Living Single. Hoping Married.