Sleep experts say dreaming is only a continuation of conscious thought.  That does not encourage me at all.  How could dancing bunny rabbits with human bobble heads dressed in tuxedos in my grandparent’s backyard be connected to any rational thought processes at all?

But all that aside, we know God used two dreams in Pharaoh’s life.  None of his wise men could interpret his dreams.  So the cupbearer remembered Joseph.  And Pharaoh sent for Joseph.

No Average Joe Series

This was Joseph’s big break.  Thirteen long years had past since Joseph first had his own dream.  And now Pharaoh’s dreams would give Joseph’s dream a chance.

When we have waited so long and our moment comes, what do we do to turn a distant dream into a living reality?

Keep a humble posture.

When Pharaoh asked Joseph about his ability to interpret dreams, Joseph answered, “It is not in me…” Joseph possessed great skills, but he grew to understand that his abilities were not in him.  Even at this once in a lifetime moment, Joseph humbled himself in order to point Pharaoh to what God would do.

Self-sufficiency derails every dream.  God does not share His glory, but calls us to reflect it.  So God turns distant dreams into a living reality when we promote Him rather than ourselves.

Focus on others.

When Joseph’s number was called, Pharaoh was all about Pharaoh.  Pharaoh’s only concern was getting answers, and so Joseph’s only job was to listen.  This was not about Joseph.  And it really wasn’t about Pharaoh.  It was about rescuing a people.  But Joseph would have never realized the dream if he had focused on himself.

The dream is never about us.  It’s always about others.  And ultimately, it’s about God’s glory in the nations.  So when God raises us up, our job is to listen, observe, and then serve others.

Speak God’s Word.

After hearing Pharaoh’s dreams, Joseph had a clear message for him.  Joseph again directed Pharaoh’s attention to God’s word and to God’s activity.  Joseph didn’t have a Bible to show Pharaoh, and Pharaoh knew nothing of Joseph’s God.  So these dreams and Joseph’s interpretation were specific ways God used to reveal Himself.  Pharaoh didn’t need Joseph’s opinions; he needed God’s self-revelation.

Personal opinions and preferences often turn the attention to us and away from the work God is really doing.  Making the distant dream into a living reality calls for an uncommon commitment to God’s Word.

Act on the revealed will of God.

Joseph not only interpreted Pharaoh’s dream, but he also gave him an action plan.  He knew God’s word required a response.  So he proposed a response that included a leadership structure and a feasible strategy that would serve the nation.

Many leaders miss God’s activity because they thought the dream was enough.  But good ideas are never enough, even when those ideas come from God.  Distant dreams turn into living reality when we obey the revealed will of God.

What makes Joseph’s response so unique? Click the “Comment” below to add your thoughts.