Fashion is always in style and the popular TLC cable television show “What Not to Wear” proves it.  But before Stacy London and Clinton Kelly, there was Paul.

Here’s what he said, “Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing…”—1 Timothy 2:9.

It takes guts for a preacher to tell women how to dress.  But in this brief paragraph, Paul covers a lot ground that could offend women readers on a number of levels.  But for now, let’s stay with the issue of “proper clothing.”

What was so important that Paul would risk stirring up trouble for his timid friend Timothy?  After challenging the men to holiness, here is Paul’s “What not to wear” advice to women:

Don’t wear old school style.

In many places in the world today, women are oppressed and mistreated.  That was true in the first century as well.  But Paul knew that women played an influential part in the community and in the church.

While a woman’s role and responsibilities will differ from a man’s, the way she lives (and dresses) will inspire others toward Jesus or distract from Him.

Don’t wear disorder.

The word “adorn” means to order or to beautifully arrange.  Just as God carefully arranged the universe, so a woman is to care for herself.

Some religious traditions have used this passage to steer women toward disorder…claiming that Scripture prohibits the use of make-up, nice clothes, or jewelry.  That’s just not the case.  And thankfully there are many products available today to help ladies stay in order.

Don’t wear vanity.

How should a woman adorn herself?  The word “proper” means well done or appropriate. The word “modest” means respectfully or with a regard for others.   And the word “discreet” means with a sound mind or with self-control.

I give you that brief word study to show that the Bible never dictates a woman’s wardrobe.  But Paul did illustrate his point by writing, “…not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments…” So that must mean no French braids, no jewelry, and no clothes from Dillard’s or Talbots, right?  Wrong.

The timeless truth is this: “Don’t dress in a way that provokes another person to sin.”  Or simply, “Don’t dress like a hooker!” That’s right.  Don’t arrange yourself or wear clothes in a way that is disrespectful, distasteful, or that lacks discretion.

Ladies of all ages, wives, and moms need to know “modest is hottest” and that immodesty reveals a lack of respect and good sense that never attracts godly men.

Don’t wear hypocrisy.

Paul said the garments of a holy woman are “good works, as befits women making a claim to godliness”—1 Timothy 2:10.

The most attractive attribute in a woman of God is her devotion to Jesus and to others. Her godly behavior clothes her with beauty so that others see the living Christ in her life.  And she categorically rejects anything that would give others a distorted view of her Savior.

Many well-meaning, religious professionals want to dictate an acceptable dress code for faithful followers.  Paul never did that.  He simply said, dress like a believer.  Mature followers of Jesus don’t need a ruler in the dressing room.  Instead they simply arrange themselves to faithfully promote the glory of Jesus in every area of their lives.

I’d love to know what you’re thinking about this one.  Share your comments below.