Some decisions require time.  Others demand speed. In one moment, Joseph decided to run from Potipher’s wife.  When he did, he left his coat behind.  Read Genesis 39 and then notice here what to expect when instant integrity causes you to lose your coat:

When you leave your coat behind, the criticism goes viral.

Potipher’s wife had Joseph’s coat and immediately began to share her story with the men of the household and then to her husband.  Sin can hide for a while, but instant integrity draws fire fast.

No Average Joe Series

When you leave your coat behind, the story gets distorted.

With Joseph’s coat in her hand, Potipher’s wife could say anything she pleased.  Many stories go well with a man’s coat, but instant integrity is better than fiction.

When you leave your coat behind, more than your coat gets dragged through the mud.

Not only did Potipher’s wife lie about Joseph’s actions, but she also attacked his Hebrew heritage.  Liars have a hard time staying on message, but instant integrity exposes them.

When you leave your coat behind, you may be left in the cold.

After Potipher heard his wife’s story, he threw Joseph in prison.  Life is not always fair, but instant integrity allows God to bless you like no one else can.

When you leave your coat behind, God travels with you.

Potipher could have executed Joseph on the spot, but he didn’t…probably because he believed in Joseph more than he trusted his wife.  God meets with us in our dungeon and prospers us in our darkness when we act with integrity.

Joseph could have made a number of decisions in that moment, but his instant integrity stole his coat but protected his character.  One good decision in one quick moment empowers every moment that follows.

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